
oh comely

Join Us This Weekend For a Feast of Creativity

words Sarah McCoy

22nd September 2015

With the summer drawing to a close there is still time for one more festival: Art Social. Now in their second year, the annual art festival hosted by The House of St Barnabas is getting ready for the weekend.

Oh Comely have had the wonderful task of curating the weekend's feast of creativity, here is some of what you can look forward to. 

Saturday afternoon with The Flower Appreciation Society

People who work with flowers are meant to be the happiest of all, so come, sit and get green fingers with The Flower Appreciation Society. The Flower Appreciation Society is getting a growing reputation for being awesome and it’s really no surprise. Based in Hackney they make floral delights for all occasions. Join the table between 1 PM and 3:30 PM* to create a beautiful buttonhole for you, or pin it on a friend and make them smile too.

Sunday afternoon with Tie Dye High Five 

Colour yourself new with the ladies from Tie Dye High Five who will be teaching you how to create your own gloriously colourful masterpiece from a plain white tee. Join the table between 1 PM and 3:30 PM* at one of the two drop-in workshops to show everyone what colours represent you. Are you a optimistic orange and a creative purple or nurturing pink and cheerful yellow? Be inspired, express yourself through colour and see what you create.

*The workshops will be separated by a half-time tea break, so don’t be alarmed if there’s no one there, they’ll be back shortly.

Writer in residence

Over the weekend, Jason Ward will be adding to the history of literature within The House of St Barnabas. As our writer-in-residence, he will be weaving stories together from interactions and observations; creating prose that is both comic and bittersweet all inspired by the festival around him. Find him from 12 until 7pm at the typewriter or perhaps with paper and pen eavesdropping on your conversation in the bar; perhaps you’ll just find pages of a story. Feel free to take them; maybe the story is about you bringing him tea or a biscuit and it most definitely be about you

Art Social 2015 is on 25th-26th September at The House of St Barnabas. For more information about the festival head to The House of St Barnabas website and day tickets and weekend tickets are available here.

This is a sponsored post: Oh Comely is proud to collaborate with The House of St Barnabas.