
oh comely

An Interview with Briana Marela

words Luísa Graça, portrait Lucinda Roanoke

9th September 2015

By pushing sonic limits on her computer, Briana Marela creates a spacious and glacial sonority. For this very reason, Iceland happened to be the perfect place to record the collection of bright reverberating melodies, wavy vocals and cinematic soundscapes of her latest album All Around Us, in collaboration with Sigur Rós producer Alex Somers.

The Seattle-born musician has always lived and breathed music. Her fascination lies with digital sound manipulation while working with acoustic samples. By combining that with confessional lyrics, Briana hopes her music comes out just as healing for us as the process is to herself.

Did you end up recording this album in Iceland because of its atmospheric sound or was it a result of your time there?

I think Iceland just found me. I was already starting to record All Around Us in Washington and then I received an email from Alex Somers, saying he had heard my music and wanted to produce my new work. I guess my music already had some of that influence before I even got there – Björk is one of my musical heroes. Alex and I have a similar taste and aesthetic and his ideas definitely did have an Icelandic feel to them - very Sigur Rós-ish, which was very cool.

Is the process of making music digitally any different from playing acoustically?

I think I approach music in a different way than I did when I was starting on acoustic guitar. I have my computer and my looping software and I approach songs in a more minimalistic way, not really thinking about chords. I have a melody in mind as opposed to when you’re sitting down with an instrument and starting with chords. I like my music to have a natural and present feel to it while having a computer behind the magic, creating sounds too computerised to be human.

So what drove you creatively throughout the making of All Around Us?

Just my relationships with people make the most inspiring material when I’m writing songs. There are definitely some songs about my ex-boyfriend on the album!

How personal is your music then?

Very, very personal. Sometimes it’s embarrassing. I’ll sing a song and I feel like all my friends will know what it’s about because it’s so obvious, you know?

Isn’t that intimidating? Pouring your heart out so frankly on a song?

It is definitely hard and sometimes I am very scared to play my songs if I think people are going to be listening really hard to the lyrics. But it’s so important to be vulnerable! Instead of embarrassment and judgement, I think there’s more of an understanding between the people who listen to my music and me. And that’s powerful. Music helps us connect in a genuine way.

What does music do for you that nothing else can do?

It’s really healing. Music casts a healing spell.

All Around Us is out now.